Medical Director Eric Marchant, MD, is a board-certified plastic surgeon and certified wound specialist with decades of experience. He provides laboratory evaluation, imaging testing, debridement, advanced dressings and more. Dr. Thomas Paliga, who is a plastic surgeon, offers complex surgical treatment solutions like skin grafts as well as skin and muscle flaps.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
In some cases, a more complex treatment plan that includes negative pressure, bio-engineered tissues, biosynthetic dressings or hyperbaric oxygen therapy may be used to treat non-healing wounds. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a well-established treatment that provides patients with pure oxygen in a pressurized capsule, stimulating the release of growth factors and stem cells that promote healing and fights infection. Hyperbaric oxygen is usually well tolerated with few side effects.
Comprehensive Wound Treatment
Our experts are specialists in providing advanced wound care techniques through:
- Evidence-based clinical protocols
- An individualized plan of care tailored to your specific healing goals
- Clinical case management and follow-up care
- Education for you and your family to support healing at home
- Ongoing communication with you about your progress