Our certified speech pathologists offer comprehensive programs for patients with speech, language, cognitive, voice and swallowing disorders.
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Our certified speech pathologists offer comprehensive programs for patients with speech, language, cognitive, voice and swallowing disorders.
Speech Pathology is focused on improving communication and cognitive functioning to improve independence. Our certified speech therapists conduct comprehensive evaluations to develop your personalized plan of care. Evaluations and treatment focus on several areas including speech quality, language function, cognitive skills and vocal quality.
Voice therapy is designed to improve your ability to generate voice or to decrease hoarseness. You are guided through change in vocal behaviors and lifestyle changes. Voice therapy is often used in conjunction with other medical therapies like injections and surgical treatments. Voice therapy, in combination with other medical interventions, has been shown to improve voice disorders like vocal cord paralysis and vocal polyps/nodules.
Speech Pathology is focused on improving communication and cognitive functioning to improve independence. Our certified speech therapists conduct comprehensive evaluations to develop your personalized plan of care. Evaluations and treatment focus on several areas including speech quality, language function, cognitive skills and vocal quality.
Voice therapy is designed to improve your ability to generate voice or to decrease hoarseness. You are guided through change in vocal behaviors and lifestyle changes. Voice therapy is often used in conjunction with other medical therapies like injections and surgical treatments. Voice therapy, in combination with other medical interventions, has been shown to improve voice disorders like vocal cord paralysis and vocal polyps/nodules.