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Heart Health
Showing Page 1 of 5 Results
woman receiving hand therapy at Doylestown Health
We rely on our hands to interact with the world, but if overuse, injury or illness limits what we can do with them, a certified hand therapist can help.
Man clutching chest
Chest pain is not normal and is a signal that you need emergency care. Don't delay and get medical attention right away: Call 9-1-1.
woman with hands on her mid-section
Explore the pros and cons of probiotics and discover your gut microbiome - trillions of tiny organisms that help with digestion, metabolism, immunity and more.
woman clutching stomach
Constipation is one of the most common gastrointestinal problems in the United States. Constipation affects an estimated 15% of the population (some 42 million people) regardless of age, race or gender.

a couple preparing salad in their kitchen
Stocking your kitchen with nutritious flavorful foods, you and your family can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and obesity. Below are five ways to make your kitchen heart healthy.
